Monday, February 04, 2013

Sensationalizing geography #2 - Hot papers

GEOGIDIOT reads the GeogNews...
Ever wonder what are "hot papers" as listed in the GeogNews of the CAG?
Could "hot" mean stolen as in plagiarized or otherwise dishonest?
... Are the hot papers highly cited or innovative?
Not likely as some are in low impact journals!
Seem you only need to email in your paper details and it gets magically transformed into a "hot" paper!
A non-lazy database search will easily reveal these papers so why the need for duplication?
And there are hot papers listed in GeogNews (e.g. No. 218) that doesn't exist at all!
One is left to wonder about what is fact and what is fiction!

Thoughts? Share your comments below.


  1. Very interesting... and true as I was able to locate two such hot papers. I guess it is an oversight on the part of the newsletter team.

  2. A hot tip... LOL.
