Thursday, December 06, 2012

What is the discipline of Geography all about?

GEOIDIOT ponders a career path... I want to be valuable to society!
And wonders what is Geography...
Sustainability Science? Social Science? Environmental Science? Earth Science?
GEOIDIOT asks GEOSMART for help...
Is Geography all things to all people? No!
Geography is the study of patterns, processes, and persistence on or near the earth's surface!
That should include Geographers of all stripes!
Persistence is the consistency of spatial patterns and the stability of processes as time progresses.

Thoughts? Share your comments below.


  1. Geography is like biodiversity and climate change. Too broad and hence necessarily shallow to be seriously useful.

  2. I just came across this and will forward it to my high-school students who ask me this question all the time as they make decisions about university studies.
