Monday, December 31, 2012

When titles are nearly identical

GEOSAGE completes a reading...
So, I was forced to read the first viewpoint 2012, 56(4) of The Canadian Geographer (CG) journal...
... and the title is eerily similar to material not cited.
The CG title is "All we really needed to know about tenure-track faculty positions we did not learn in graduate school". The 2011 ACS title is: "Nearly everything I needed to know to be a successful faculty member, I didn't learn in graduate school".
Such a coincidence can mean many things!
Someone dropped the ball, not the new year's ball.... Makes one wonder many other things!
And in the CG article one author referred to the other as a "partner in crime".
Freudian psychologists can have a field day with such a statement and situation!
Crooks, V.A. and Castleden, H. (2012). The Canadian Geographer, Viewpoint, 56(4), p.393-397.
Dorhout, P. (2011). American Chemical Society, presentation, Fall 2011 National meeting and expo.

Thoughts? Share your comments below.


  1. Are these two titles really that similar? I don't think so. Did you check the contents of the articles?

    1. It's the title and not the content that is of interest.
