Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Understanding critical geography and critique

GEOIDIOT and GEONOVICE interacts...
I am not sure what is critical geography?
It's about using perspectives from critical theory to analyze and assess geographic systems and situations.
It also moves beyond understanding and explanation to create social, economic and political change!
Then, what is critique and critical thinking?
They are about using qualitative and quantitative evidence and reasoning to analyze arguments and claims!
Is critical geography, critique and critical thinking the same thing?
They are different and similar! Well, they are closely inter-related!!
Critical Geography - Using critical theory to analyze and assess geographic systems and situations.
Critique -  Using qualitative and quantitative evidence and reasoning to analyze arguments and claims!

Thoughts? Share your comments below.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks. I am going to share this with my undergrad social theory students.
