Thursday, December 20, 2012

Making sense of academic geo-dishonesty

I am reading geography papers and I am confused about academic dishonesty!
What do you mean?
Well, a tweak here and there or half-baked research seem to get published like wildfire!
True! And article retraction is also increasing!
Always remember two things about the business
It isn't academic dishonesty until you get caught!
... Academic dishonesty is socially constructed, and gets meaning from the local tribe!
Are you saying that I should try not to get caught, and hang out with the right social tribe?
No, I didn't say that, you said it!!
Academic Dishonesty -  The intended/unintended act of misrepresenting data, information or knowledge in an academic setting. Violations include plagiarism, cheating, fabrication, bribery, sabotage, etc.

Thoughts? Share your comments below.


  1. That's so true, the academic dishonesty concept is always judged in a relative way. They say "it's not who you know but who know you".

  2. This is a big issue and it is good it is given some attention here. Not enough people acknowledge the possibility that "scratch my back and I will scratch yours" could be a real problem. Geography could end up finding the answer the hard way. Just saying...
