Monday, December 31, 2012

When titles are nearly identical

GEOSAGE completes a reading...
So, I was forced to read the first viewpoint 2012, 56(4) of The Canadian Geographer (CG) journal...
... and the title is eerily similar to material not cited.
The CG title is "All we really needed to know about tenure-track faculty positions we did not learn in graduate school". The 2011 ACS title is: "Nearly everything I needed to know to be a successful faculty member, I didn't learn in graduate school".
Such a coincidence can mean many things!
Someone dropped the ball, not the new year's ball.... Makes one wonder many other things!
And in the CG article one author referred to the other as a "partner in crime".
Freudian psychologists can have a field day with such a statement and situation!
Crooks, V.A. and Castleden, H. (2012). The Canadian Geographer, Viewpoint, 56(4), p.393-397.
Dorhout, P. (2011). American Chemical Society, presentation, Fall 2011 National meeting and expo.

Thoughts? Share your comments below.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Understanding critical geography and critique

GEOIDIOT and GEONOVICE interacts...
I am not sure what is critical geography?
It's about using perspectives from critical theory to analyze and assess geographic systems and situations.
It also moves beyond understanding and explanation to create social, economic and political change!
Then, what is critique and critical thinking?
They are about using qualitative and quantitative evidence and reasoning to analyze arguments and claims!
Is critical geography, critique and critical thinking the same thing?
They are different and similar! Well, they are closely inter-related!!
Critical Geography - Using critical theory to analyze and assess geographic systems and situations.
Critique -  Using qualitative and quantitative evidence and reasoning to analyze arguments and claims!

Thoughts? Share your comments below.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

How to change confidence in a journal

GEOADMIN reflects...
The Canadian Geographer editorial 2012, 56(4) doesn't make any sense to me!
It talks about "cookies at every step", so similar to the Hansel and Gretel Grimm's fairy tale!
Then it rambled on for 7 paragraphs, suddenly introducing new viewpoints and dialogue journal sections.
The new op-ed sections are refereed... I guess for the perception it's a journal and not a magazine!
That could now make opinions count as facts and propagate a groupthink agenda!
Did anyone notice? The Canadian Geographer and the ACME e-journal seem to be so similar in focus!
Only time will tell how authors, SSHRC and Wiley-Blackwell will react to these journal shifts!
The Canadian Geographer - Journal of the CAG society.
SSHRC - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
Wiley-Blackwell - Academic publisher.
ACME Journal - An international e-journal of critical geographies.

Thoughts? Share your comments below.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Making sense of academic geo-dishonesty

I am reading geography papers and I am confused about academic dishonesty!
What do you mean?
Well, a tweak here and there or half-baked research seem to get published like wildfire!
True! And article retraction is also increasing!
Always remember two things about the business
It isn't academic dishonesty until you get caught!
... Academic dishonesty is socially constructed, and gets meaning from the local tribe!
Are you saying that I should try not to get caught, and hang out with the right social tribe?
No, I didn't say that, you said it!!
Academic Dishonesty -  The intended/unintended act of misrepresenting data, information or knowledge in an academic setting. Violations include plagiarism, cheating, fabrication, bribery, sabotage, etc.

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Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Canadian Geographer storybook

Did you read The Canadian Geographer journal recently?
No! ... I only have a fixed amount of time for entertainment!
Some of the paper titles and the contents read like a child's storybook
Well! It's ranked at the bottom at 54 out of 73 with a low impact factor of 0.56!
Who finances this journal?
I suspect it's Wiley-Blackwell and SSHRC!
Are these funders throwing resources down a rabbit hole?
Well, you decide!
The Canadian Geographer - Journal of the CAG society.
SSHRC - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
Wiley-Blackwell - Academic publisher.

Thoughts? Share your comments below.

Monday, December 10, 2012

The problem with email listserves of associations

GEOSAGE sits down to work... I will promote Geography using cartoons and comics.
Yay! I will start with issue 2012 vol1 no1
Comic strip emailed to CAGLIST...
Oh no! The CAGLIST rejected my post again. ... Because I am not a member!!
GEOSAGE thinks deeply... Are CAGLIST members being fed a controlled information diet?
Maybe I should change my focus from promotion to critique!
I guess that's how negative experiences change one's focus!
CAG - Canadian Association of Geographers.
CAGLIST - Official email listserve of the CAG.

Thoughts? Share your comments below.

Thursday, December 06, 2012

What is the discipline of Geography all about?

GEOIDIOT ponders a career path... I want to be valuable to society!
And wonders what is Geography...
Sustainability Science? Social Science? Environmental Science? Earth Science?
GEOIDIOT asks GEOSMART for help...
Is Geography all things to all people? No!
Geography is the study of patterns, processes, and persistence on or near the earth's surface!
That should include Geographers of all stripes!
Persistence is the consistency of spatial patterns and the stability of processes as time progresses.

Thoughts? Share your comments below.